Special Session

Call for Special Sessions

The deadline for applications for  for proposals for special sessions has now been extended by 15 April 2024.

Special Sessions supplement the regular program of ICDEA 2024 and are intended to provide a sample of the state-of-the-art and highlight important research directions in a field of special interest to ICDEA 2024 participants. Each Special Session should be a focused effort rather than defined broadly.



The minimum target for each Special Session is 4 accepted papers.

The following information should be included in the proposal:


Title of the proposed special session

Names and affiliations of the organizers (including brief bio and contact info)

Session abstract (state the motivation and significance of the topic, and the rationale for the proposed session)

List of invited papers (including a tentative title, author list )

In addition to invited papers, other potential authors will be allowed to submit papers to Special Sessions. All papers will go through the same review process as the regular papers submitted to the main conference to ensure that the contributions are of high quality. 

Proposals will be evaluated based on the timeliness of the topic and relevance to ICDEA 2024, as well as the track record of the organizers and anticipated quality of papers in the proposed session. When considering submitting a Special Session proposal, please bear in mind that Special Sessions are expected to be oral sessions. Only those proposals that have the potential to attract high-quality papers are likely to be approved. Once the proposal has been approved, the organizer(s) and the Special Session co-chairs will arrange the review process.



Special session proposals should be submitted by email at : Rene.LOZI@univ-cotedazur.fr  

Replace  at , dot and dash with appropriate symbols.  


Important Dates

Proposal submission deadline: 01 March 2024.

Proposal notification: 15 March 202



Approved Special Sessions


1) Special Session 1

Title: “On connections between differential, delay differential and difference equations, difference models of population dynamics and stochastic effects”

Organiser: Elena Braverman

Abstract: Connections between differential and difference equations are multiple (finite-difference
numerical schemes, description of the same realworld models), and delay differential equations combine some features of both types, as well as equations on time scales. Population dynamics models can be described with both discrete and continuous models, and in many cases include stochasticity describing either random
environment variations or human interference. The section will focus on the phenomena concerned
with differential, delay differential and difference equations, applications to population dynamics and influence of stochastic perturbations.

2) Special Session 2

Title: “Multidimensional chaos: formation, control and its application”
Organizers : Alexey Kazakov, Dmitry Sinelshchikov and Nataliya Stankevich
Abstract: The Minisymposium is devoted to modern aspects and trends in the theory of
dynamical chaos, with the special aim of understanding the nature and control methods of
multidimensional chaos. Decades of efforts by the world’s leading scientists uncovered many features
of chaotic dynamics in low-dimensional systems. However, even a slight increase in dimension
reveals new and unexpected phenomena. For example, very little is known about dynamics of
systems with chaotic attractors possesing more than one positive (or additional zero) Lyapunov
exponents. This minisymposium will cover recent advances in these directions, both from theoretical
and applied points of view.


3) Special Session 3

Title: Bifurcations in Smooth and Nonsmooth Maps: Theory and Applications.

Organizers: Davide Radi and Iryna Sushko

Abstract: This session is organized to discuss new and interesting phenomena related to the complex
dynamics of various nonlinear maps, continuous or discontinuous, smooth or piecewise smooth,
invertible or noninvertible, appearing in some applied context or as pure mathematical objects.
The presentations are expected to focus on the local and global properties of such maps, invariant
sets and their bifurcations, described using qualitative and quantitative methods of nonlinear
dynamics theory. Other similar topics as well as real world applications are also very welcome.

4) Special Session 4

Title: Recent advances on time scales and its relation to difference equations
Organizers: Tom Cuchta, Jaqueline Godoy Mesquita and Sabrina Streipert

Abstract: In this session, we focus on advancing the study of dynamical systems on time scales by
uniting researchers working in the area of time scales theory to discuss novel theories and
exchange recent developments in time scales. The significance of this focus lies in the twofold nature
of time scales calculus. Introduced by Stefan Hilger in 1988 to bridge the realms of continuous and
discrete analysis, this theory offers a tool for realistic but mathematically feasible modeling. Its
inclusivity enables the consideration of time scale models that exhibit hybrid
behaviors—simultaneously continuous and discrete. Such a nuanced approach proves
indispensable in capturing the essence of phenomena in nature and the environment that
defy strict categorization as either continuous or discrete. Not surprisingly, time scales theory has
gained increasing attention among mathematicians working in complex dynamical systems and its
applications to physics, ecology, epidemiology, and social sciences.

Our session aims to bring together researchers working on the theory of time scales to present
recent research in the field and new avenues for future development in stability, oscillations, delay
equations, measure equations, among others. Also, we are interested in the applications of this theory
to provide a fruitful exchange of ideas, methods, and theories to advance the theory of time scales
and its applications. We will create a collaborative environment, driven by curiosity and aimed at
scientific exchange.

5) Special Session 5
Title: Construction and Analysis of Discrete Dynamical Systems with Applications to Studying the Dynamics of Biological Populations

Organizers: Paul Salceanu and Amy Veprauskas

Abstract: Mathematical models can provide valuable insights into the behavior of biological
systems. They can be used to test hypotheses regarding different biological interactions and to help explain or identify the mechanisms leading to observed biological phenomena. In this session, we focus on the construction and analysis of difference equations systems as applied to various areas of ecology, epidemiology, and evolutionary biology. Model analysis may include, but is not limited to, local and global stability, bifurcation analysis, model parametrization and sensitivity analysis, persistence theory, and optimal control.

We also welcome talks focused on more general difference equation systems whose results may have potential applications to biology.


6) Special Session 6

Title: Discrete Dynamical Systems and Applications in Mathematical Biology

Organizers: Bo Zheng, Jianshe Yu, Jia Li and Hongpeng Guo

Abstract: Difference equations and discrete dynamical systems have been applied to various areas of biology. This special session is to bring scientists together to give presentations on recent advances in these areas. We particularly encourage
communications on non-autonomous discrete dynamical systems. Talks can be on but are not restricted to the following subjects: mathematical modeling and analysis in population dynamics, transmission dynamics of infectious diseases, gene
expression, and evolutionary dynamics.


7) Special Session 7
Title: Stability and Bifurcation of Dynamical Systems 
Organizers: Adina Luminița Sasu and Weinian Zhang 
Abstract: Stability and bifurcation are some of the most active areas in the qualitative theory of dynamical systems with important applications in control, engineering, computer science and economics. The aim of this special session is to highlight recent advances in the fields of stability and bifurcation of discrete dynamical systems, with a special focus on nonautonomous and variational dynamics. Topics will include: Lyapunov stability, structural stability, exponential stability, hyperbolic dynamics, and related robustness properties, for both difference equations and discrete dynamical systems. Methods to be discussed comprise input-output stability, admissibility, shadowing, control type techniques, invariant sets, ergodic theory approaches, Rolewicz-Zabczyk type methods as well as real world applications. Other related topics of high impact in the same areas are welcome.
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