Special SessionCall for Special SessionsThe deadline for applications for for proposals for special sessions has now been extended by 15 April 2024. Special Sessions supplement the regular program of ICDEA 2024 and are intended to provide a sample of the state-of-the-art and highlight important research directions in a field of special interest to ICDEA 2024 participants. Each Special Session should be a focused effort rather than defined broadly.
RequirementsThe minimum target for each Special Session is 4 accepted papers. The following information should be included in the proposal:
Title of the proposed special session Names and affiliations of the organizers (including brief bio and contact info) Session abstract (state the motivation and significance of the topic, and the rationale for the proposed session) List of invited papers (including a tentative title, author list ) In addition to invited papers, other potential authors will be allowed to submit papers to Special Sessions. All papers will go through the same review process as the regular papers submitted to the main conference to ensure that the contributions are of high quality. Proposals will be evaluated based on the timeliness of the topic and relevance to ICDEA 2024, as well as the track record of the organizers and anticipated quality of papers in the proposed session. When considering submitting a Special Session proposal, please bear in mind that Special Sessions are expected to be oral sessions. Only those proposals that have the potential to attract high-quality papers are likely to be approved. Once the proposal has been approved, the organizer(s) and the Special Session co-chairs will arrange the review process.
SubmissionSpecial session proposals should be submitted by email at : Rene.LOZI@univ-cotedazur.fr Replace at , dot and dash with appropriate symbols.
Important DatesProposal submission deadline: 01 March 2024. Proposal notification: 15 March 202
Approved Special Sessions
1) Special Session 1 Title: “On connections between differential, delay differential and difference equations, difference models of population dynamics and stochastic effects” Organiser: Elena Braverman Abstract: Connections between differential and difference equations are multiple (finite-difference 2) Special Session 2 Title: “Multidimensional chaos: formation, control and its application”
3) Special Session 3
Organizers: Davide Radi and Iryna Sushko Abstract: This session is organized to discuss new and interesting phenomena related to the complex 4) Special Session 4 Title: Recent advances on time scales and its relation to difference equations Abstract: In this session, we focus on advancing the study of dynamical systems on time scales by Our session aims to bring together researchers working on the theory of time scales to present 5) Special Session 5 Organizers: Paul Salceanu and Amy Veprauskas Abstract: Mathematical models can provide valuable insights into the behavior of biological We also welcome talks focused on more general difference equation systems whose results may have potential applications to biology.
6) Special Session 6 Title: Discrete Dynamical Systems and Applications in Mathematical Biology Organizers: Bo Zheng, Jianshe Yu, Jia Li and Hongpeng Guo
7) Special Session 7
Title: Stability and Bifurcation of Dynamical Systems
Organizers: Adina Luminița Sasu and Weinian Zhang
Abstract: Stability and bifurcation are some of the most active areas in the qualitative theory of dynamical systems with important applications in control, engineering, computer science and economics. The aim of this special session is to highlight recent advances in the fields of stability and bifurcation of discrete dynamical systems, with a special focus on nonautonomous and variational dynamics. Topics will include: Lyapunov stability, structural stability, exponential stability, hyperbolic dynamics, and related robustness properties, for both difference equations and discrete dynamical systems. Methods to be discussed comprise input-output stability, admissibility, shadowing, control type techniques, invariant sets, ergodic theory approaches, Rolewicz-Zabczyk type methods as well as real world applications. Other related topics of high impact in the same areas are welcome. |
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